Like those lifeguards, we‘ll be ready, never you fear, forever and always...
Every IT department is measured on how well it provides support.. but no IT department can be expected to solve every problem and have every skill.
Thats why it's important to have a brilliant support partner to lean on.
Our support service is lean and effective. We have well established processes but we don't force customers to work our way.
We believe that the quality of good Support is measured in successful outcomes, not rigid processes. In CSAT, not in braggadocios ticket volumes.
We understand that in order to be effective in supporting you, we need to understand you and how your business ticks. What would make the difference for you? Speed, skill, trust, cost?
For that reason, we make our Support fit our customers, and our customers love us for that. We aren't Vogons, and we don't need you to sign in triplicate. We are friendly, effective human beings.
IT Support shouldn't be arduous. It should be that in the moment you pick up the phone, or send an email, you feel the relief that we are there to support you.
Great staff
We hand pick people who have the perfect blend of approachability and capability. Our team are great to work with and deliver results!
Flexible terms
Many customers want the protection of a long-term contract. Others like the flexibility of pay-as-you go units. We do both..
Follow the sun
We are unusual amongst MSPs in that we can go beyond normal business hours. Ideal for your flexible workers or overseas offices.